Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links

Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: lopezfamily2016-sc on Jan. 15, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

START HERE: INTRO TO PUZZLE SOLVING If you are new to puzzle solving techniques, don’t know how to “view source code”, inspect the properties of an image, look for a background image, etc, etc. START HERE. The next few links contain assorted tutorials that should help you get started. https://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=37f3d8f3-62ba-40ac-b0ef-901807ba9c98 Takes you to ePeterso2's bookmark list of his Puzzle Solving 101 series -a whole slew of actual puzzle caches presented in lesson format. http://parmstro.weebly.com/ Complete site dedicated to solving puzzle caches. Sections on solving puzzles, blank caches, URLs, a sample workflow, hints for all of parmstro's caches and some sample worked solutions to parmstro's caches. Also contains links to useful sites. Associated facebook page is
http://www.howtopuzzlecache.com/ This is the website associated with the book written by Cully Long (a group member). The book is not free, but details tens of puzzle solving methods, workflows, with examples and exercises. The website contains sample puzzles with solutions which could be used as learning tools as well.

CIPHERS & CODES http://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/ All geocaching tools in one box - comprehensive & inclcudes more than cipher & codes, e.g. incomplete coordinates tool. www.cryptool-online.org/ Comprehensive list of cipher & code decoders plus text analysis. http://www.dcode.fr/ Another comprehensive decoder site - in French. Enter the name of the cipher/code you need help with in the search field int he left-hand column. http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/ Another go-to site for ciphers. http://quipqiup.com/ Cryptogram solver http://omniglot.com/ Lists huge number of writing systems and languages, including fictional scripts & languages (e.g. Matoran, Klingon, Tenwar). http://ref.wikibruce.com/ Extensive list of numerous common and obscure ciphers, encryptions, puzzling tools, languages, and applications. https://www.guballa.de/substitution-solver Cryptogram solver: choose German, English, French or Spanish. https://www.braingle.com/brainteasers/codes/index.php Various cipher & code decoders https://sites.google.com/site/cryptocrackprogram/download CryptoCrack - windows-based general solver. N.B. needs download. http://luthorien.altervista.org/Tools/ More decoder links, plus other tools. (Can change background colour with drop-down menu, top left.) https://cryptii.com/text/select Shows text in different systems from ciphers to codes - (e.g. ROT13, Pig Pen, Hex). http://theblob.org/rot.cgi All ROT in one go. https://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html Morse Code translator. https://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html Caesar, Vigenere, TinEye reverse image lookup. http://web.archive.org/web/20110103215258/http://purplehell.com/riddletools/index.htm PurpleHell - comprehensive site with ciphers plus much more. Worth a browse through to see what’s available. http://www.simonsingh.net/TheBlackChamber/chamberguide.html Takes you through lots of different ciphers. http://acaencodedecode.appspot.com/ Keyed cipher decoder. http://bionsgadgets.appspot.com/ Decoder, plus cipher analysis to help identify cipher type. http://www.namesuppressed.com/kenny... Kenny Code (based on Kenny from South Park). http://www.namesuppressed.com/kenny/ Uncovers/hides text in a spam-type email/message. http://www.alltextencryption.com/ General cipher encrypt/decrypt using key http://altamatic.com/crypt A quick way of applying substitution, transposition, numeric, morse and digital decoding. https://dainfo.deerfield.edu/faculty/mdancer/outdoor/puzzlecachehelpers.htm Links to various helpful sites http://easyciphers.com/ Explains various ciphers https://geoleaks.com/MIJNCODEBOEKDEEL3.pdf PDF list of various ciphers & codes. http://home.earthlink.net/~fpcorr/AcaTools.html American Cryptogram Association site with many useful tools. http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/vigenere.html Vignere decoder - N.B. requires download. http://people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~palloks/js/enigma/indexen.html#s6 Enigma Decoder. http://tholman.com/other/transposition/ Transposition cipher solver. http://www.ackgame.com/crypto.htm Analysis tools to identify ciphers, including index of coincidence at various periods, letter count, Normor score, etc https://www.schnatterente.net/nak-nak-nak/deutsch-ente-uebersetzer/4 Duck Code. A German site, but seems to work with many languages. Plaintext goes in left box, cipher goes in right box. It also works from Duck code to Plaintext. https://geocaching.dennistreysa.de/multisolver/ Multi-decoder for many types of ciphers. Input cipher and will decode many ways all at once. https://gc.de/gc/ More geocaching tools. In German, but may have some ciphers not seen elsewhere https://www.quinapalus.com/cgi-bin/playfair Playfair breaker https://ermarian.net/services/encryption/solitaire A Solitaire (otherwise known as ‘Pontifex’) cipher - encryption and decryption

STEGANOGRAPHY http://exif.regex.info/exif.cgi Jeffrey Friedl’s image data viewer. http://exifdata.com/ Another excellent image data viewer https://tineye.com/ Reverse image search https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/capture-reverse-image-search/?src=search Crop and reverse image search for Firefox. It uses tineye.com, but you can crop and reverse image search on Google from the tineye picture.
http://magiceye.ecksdee.co.uk/ “Magic Eye” stereogram solver http://www.hidden-3d.com/index.php?id=reveal Helps “see” Magic Eye” stereograms. https://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/index.php?page=steganography Steganography page of the go-to toolbox. https://ezgif.com/split Splits Gif files into separate frames. https://webqr.com/ Scan QR Codes online without a phone
https://www.newocr.com/ Online Optical Character Recognition - find text in images. http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.php (N.B. needs download.) Colour picker. http://www.onlinebarcodereader.com/ What it says in the title, handy for various barcode types. https://online-barcode-reader.inliteresearch.com/ Another barcode reader - allows you to choose barcode type. http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx And another barcode reader http://www.rags-int-inc.com/PhotoTechStuff/AcrCalibration/RGB2HSB.html Convert RGB to HSV (HSB) colours. https://www.mobilefish.com/services/steganography/steganography.php Find hidden messages in cover files ie. pictures (only works on .png files). The site also contains many other cryptography tools https://futureboy.us/stegano/decinput.html Useful for keyed steganography (also returns hidden messages in files without the key/password)... works on files other than .png. Can be used on pictures as well as sound/audio files. https://huddle.github.io/Resemble.js/ Compares two images to show any differences between them. Play around with the settings as it can make a difference to the outcome (especially the ‘ignore nothing’ setting).

MATHEMATICS & ICT http://intermath.coe.uga.edu/ Maths dictionary, definitions and ‘constructionary’ (whatever that is) http://www.cleavebooks.co.uk/scol/calnumba.htm Show numbers in various bases from Base 2 to Base 20 http://www.convertworld.com/en/ Converts just about anything - area, mass, speed, etc on the top page but note links to others below. https://hashkiller.co.uk/md5-decrypter.aspx Allows you to input an MD5 hash and search for its decrypted state in their database, basically, it's a MD5 cracker / decryption tool. http://reednightingale.com/projects/pointlessScripts/binaryTrans.php Convert between text/binary/hex/base64/ASCII. https://conv.darkbyte.ru/ Binary/Hex/decimal/Base 64 decoder https://www.opinionatedgeek.com/codecs/base64decoder BASE 64 decoder http://www.w3schools.com/ Web page-building tutorials, and lists of coding for characters and colors used in HTML http://www.math.ubc.ca/~israel/applet/metic/metic.html For Alphametics http://math2.org/math/general/numnotation.htm "Negative base" calculator http://www.mathsisfun.com/binary-decimal-hexadecimal-converter.html Binary to Decimal to Hexadecimal convertor https://md5.gromweb.com/ MD5 conversion and MD5 Reverse lookup. http://www.zompist.com/numbers.shtml Numbers in over 5000 languages. [http://www.angio.net/pi/bigpi.cgi]](http://) PI search. Find string of digits or digits starting at specific positions in the infinite string of digits of PI https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/view-source-codes-in-ipad-iphone/ N.B. requires download. View Source Code in an iPhone or iPad. http://xslab.com/2013/08/how-to-view-web-page-source-code-in-android/ Explains how to View Source in an Android phone or tablet. https://www.digwebinterface.com/ Deep DIGing of DNS records https://primes.utm.edu/nthprime/index.php Prime search engine

MAPPING https://www.freemaptools.com/ Lots of tools fo maps, measure distances, draw circles, projections, etc, but also a postcode to lat/long converter http://www.fizzymagic.net/Geocaching/FizzyCalc/ Excellent tool to convert between co-ordinate systems, plus co-ordinate & distance projections. N.B. needs download. http://www.synnatschke.de/geo-tools/coordinate-converter.php Online co-ordinate converter. http://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/ All geocaching tools in one box - e.g. incomplete coordinates tool. http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/calculators Great for drawing lines at bearings or perimeter distance around or between co-ordinates. http://geo.javawa.nl/coordcalc/index_en.html Calculating with coordinates (intersections, projections, circles, centers, etc - just choose from the drop-down menu.)

PUZZLES http://anagram-solver.net/ Anagram solver http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ Another anagram solver http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/alphamet/alphasolve.shtml Alphametic puzzle solver http://boulter.com/anagram/ Anagram solver. https://books.google.com/ngrams/ Useful when searching to extend a crib. Just enter word1 word 2 then a * to find out the 10 most likely words to follow those first two words. The * can go any where in the sequence of up to 5 words total. (e.g. enter "one * in ten"). http://www.sudoku-solutions.com/ Sudoku Solver http://sudokuspoiler.azurewebsites.net/ Irregular sudoku solver http://www.sudokuwiki.org/sudoku.htm Another Sudoku solver. http://www.mlsite.net/neknek/ Killer Sudoku solver
http://niallsudoku.com/pages/solver.html KenKen puzzle solver. http://boulter.com/cribbage/ Cribbage scorer http://delphiforfun.org/Programs/logic
problemsolver.htm Solves logic problems commonly found in puzzle magazines and books. http://www.jsingler.de/apps/index.php?language=en Another logic problem solver, and some others https://www.kakuro-online.com/slitherlink/ Slitherlink solver - connect horizontally and vertically adjacent dots so that the lines form a simple loop http://www.iread.it/cryptarithms.php Alphametic puzzle solver. http://www.anagrammy.com/resources/anagramartist.html N.B. requires download. Has a link to download a great anagramming tool, Anagram Artist (Windows only). http://www.litscape.com/ Lots of word-finder tools and literature help. http://www3.oneacross.com/ Crossword and acrostics help. http://a.teall.info/nonogram/ Nonogram (“Japanese crossword”) solver

ASSORTED https://www.babelfish.com/ Online translation between various languages https://calendarhome.com/calculate/convert-a-date/ https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/tc.cgi#top Convert a date to various alternative calandar formats (Julian, Hebrew, Mayan, etc.) http://www.iata.org/about/members/Pages/airline-list.aspx?All=true IATA Airline codes http://luthorien.altervista.org/Tools/ Lots of links, including wedding anniversary traditional gifts, guitar chords, date & time difference, chess notation… https://goodlogo.com/ Various logos http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hph.html Physics with calculators: Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Vision, Heat, Thermodynamics, Sound, Hearing, Relativity, etc. http://web.archive.org/web/20110103215258/http://purplehell.com/riddletools/index.htm Comprehensive site with ciphers, alphabet & languages, literature data, conversion tools, image manipulators, maths, etc, etc, - worth a browse through. http://usscouts.org/advancementTOC.asp#rank Lots of info about US scouting ranks and merit badges.

 Last edited by: lopezfamily2016-sc on Feb. 23, 2018, 6:39 p.m., edited 3 times in total.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: kunarion on Sept. 16, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

This looks like a great resource!  Here I've edited it a little, reformatted it, and deleted or corrected some bad links.  I'm sure I'll be directing people here who are getting serious about puzzle solving. I really like the codebook PDF.  That will come in handy!



If you are new to puzzle solving techniques, don’t know how to “view source code”, inspect the properties of an image, look for a background image, etc, etc. START HERE. The next few links contain assorted tutorials that should help you get started.

Takes you to ePeterso2's bookmark list of his Puzzle Solving 101 series, a whole slew of actual puzzle caches presented in lesson format.

Complete site dedicated to solving puzzle caches. Sections on solving puzzles, blank caches, URLs, a sample workflow, hints for all of parmstro's caches and some sample worked solutions to parmstro's caches. Also contains links to useful sites.

Associated web site is http://www.howtopuzzlecache.com
This is the website associated with the book written by Cully Long (a group member). The book is not free, but details tens of puzzle solving methods, workflows, with examples and exercises. The website contains sample puzzles with solutions which could be used as learning tools as well.



All geocaching tools in one box - comprehensive & includes more than cipher & codes, such as an incomplete coordinates tool.

Comprehensive list of cipher & code decoders plus text analysis.

Another comprehensive decoder site - in French. Enter the name of the cipher/code you need help with in the search field int he left-hand column.

Another go-to site for ciphers.

Cryptogram solver

Lists huge number of writing systems and languages, including fictional scripts & languages (e.g. Matoran, Klingon, Tenwar).

Extensive list of numerous common and obscure ciphers, encryptions, puzzling tools, languages, and applications.

Substitution-solver Cryptogram solver: choose German, English, French or Spanish.

Various cipher & code decoders.

CryptoCrack - windows-based general solver. N.B. needs download.

More decoder links, plus other tools. (Can change background colour with drop-down menu, top left.)

Shows text in different systems from ciphers to codes - (e.g. ROT13, Pig Pen, Hex).

All ROT in one go.

Morse Code translator.

Caesar, Vigenere, TinEye reverse image lookup.

Takes you through lots of different ciphers.

Keyed cipher decoder.

Decoder, plus cipher analysis to help identify cipher type.

Kenny Code (based on Kenny from South Park).

General cipher encrypt/decrypt using key

A quick way of applying substitution, transposition, numeric, morse and digital decoding.

Links to various helpful sites.

Explains various ciphers.

PDF list of various ciphers & codes.

American Cryptogram Association site with many useful tools.

Vignere decoder - N.B. requires download.

Enigma Decoder.

Transposition cipher solver.

Analysis tools to identify ciphers, including index of coincidence at various periods, letter count, Normor score, etc.

Duck Code. A German site, but seems to work with many languages. Plaintext goes in left box, cipher goes in right box. It also works from Duck code to Plaintext.

Multi-decoder for many types of ciphers. Input cipher and will decode many ways all at once.

More geocaching tools. In German, but may have some ciphers not seen elsewhere.

Playfair breaker.

A Solitaire (otherwise known as ‘Pontifex’) cipher - encryption and decryption.



Jeffrey Friedl’s image data viewer.

Another excellent image data viewer.

Reverse image search.

Crop and reverse image search for Firefox. It uses tineye.com, but you can crop and reverse image search on Google from the tineye picture.

“Magic Eye” stereogram solver.

Helps “see” Magic Eye” stereograms.

Steganography page of the go-to toolbox.

Splits Gif files into separate frames. https://webqr.com/ Scan QR Codes online without a phone.

Online Optical Character Recognition - find text in images.

(N.B. needs download.) Colour picker.

What it says in the title, handy for various barcode types.

Another barcode reader - allows you to choose barcode type.

And another barcode reader

Convert RGB to HSV (HSB) colours.

Find hidden messages in cover files ie. pictures (only works on .png files). The site also contains many other cryptography tools.

Useful for keyed steganography (also returns hidden messages in files without the key/password)... works on files other than .png. Can be used on pictures as well as sound/audio files.

Compares two images to show any differences between them. Play around with the settings as it can make a difference to the outcome (especially the ‘ignore nothing’ setting).



Maths dictionary, definitions and ‘constructionary’ (whatever that is)

Show numbers in various bases from Base 2 to Base 20

Converts just about anything - area, mass, speed, etc on the top page but note links to others below.

Allows you to input an MD5 hash and search for its decrypted state in their database, basically, it's a MD5 cracker / decryption tool.

Convert between text/binary/hex/base64/ASCII.

Binary/Hex/decimal/Base 64 decoder.

BASE 64 decoder.

Web page-building tutorials, and lists of coding for characters and colors used in HTML

For Alphametics

"Negative base" calculator.

Binary to Decimal to Hexadecimal convertor

MD5 conversion and MD5 Reverse lookup.

Numbers in over 5000 languages.

PI search. Find string of digits or digits starting at specific positions in the infinite string of digits of PI.

N.B. requires download. View Source Code in an iPhone or iPad.

Explains how to View Source in an Android phone or tablet.

Deep DIGing of DNS records.

Prime search engine.



Lots of tools fo maps, measure distances, draw circles, projections, etc, but also a postcode to lat/long converter.

Excellent tool to convert between co-ordinate systems, plus co-ordinate & distance projections. N.B. needs download.

Online co-ordinate converter.

All geocaching tools in one box - e.g. incomplete coordinates tool.

Great for drawing lines at bearings or perimeter distance around or between co-ordinates.

Calculating with coordinates (intersections, projections, circles, centers, etc - just choose from the drop-down menu.)



Anagram solver.

Another anagram solver.

Alphametic puzzle solver http://boulter.com/anagram/ Anagram solver.

Useful when searching to extend a crib. Just enter word1 word 2 then a * to find out the 10 most likely words to follow those first two words. The * can go any where in the sequence of up to 5 words total. (e.g. enter "one * in ten").

Sudoku Solver.

Irregular sudoku solver.

Another Sudoku solver.

Killer Sudoku solver.

KenKen puzzle solver.

Cribbage scorer.

Solves logic problems commonly found in puzzle magazines and books.

Another logic problem solver, and some others.

Slitherlink solver - connect horizontally and vertically adjacent dots so that the lines form a simple loop

Alphametic puzzle solver.

N.B. requires download. Has a link to download a great anagramming tool, Anagram Artist (Windows only).

Lots of word-finder tools and literature help.

Crossword and acrostics help.

Nonogram (“Japanese crossword”) solver.



Online translation between various languages.

Convert a date to various alternative calandar formats (Julian, Hebrew, Mayan, etc.)

IATA Airline codes.

Lots of links, including wedding anniversary traditional gifts, guitar chords, date & time difference, chess notation.

Various logos.

Physics with calculators: Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Vision, Heat, Thermodynamics, Sound, Hearing, Relativity, etc.

Lots of info about US scouting ranks and merit badges.


 Last edited by: kunarion on Sept. 16, 2018, 11:51 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: Brokers on May 24, 2019, 9:40 a.m.

You can also try this service the free divx to avi converter https://onlineconvertfree.com/convert-format/divx-to-avi/

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: jackliensam on Oct. 8, 2020, 10:18 a.m.

Thanks for this info. I found few broken links. I suggest you to use

Unit Converter.

Word Unscrambler


 Last edited by: jackliensam on Aug. 27, 2022, 9:57 a.m., edited 3 times in total.
Reason: minor changes

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: DawgsFan81 on Oct. 27, 2020, 4:32 p.m.

Wow, tons of useful stuff in this thread - thanks. Here are some tools I have used to quickly get the text out of pictures, which has helped to extract addresses or street names.

You can also use the second one to translate any foreign letters or characters into English: https://www.onlineocr.net/  https://www.bisok.com/grooper-data-capture-method-features/multi-pass-ocr/ Hope this helps!

 Last edited by: DawgsFan81 on Oct. 27, 2020, 4:34 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: M.Baker on Sept. 6, 2022, 1:19 p.m.

When I hear the word “math”, I tend to think of equations and numbers. But there’s more to math than that! There are three types of math: arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Arithmetic involves using the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. Algebra involves solving an equation or relationship between variables. Geometry involves shapes, angles, and lines. Math isn’t just about math. It’s a way of thinking. It’s a method of problem solving. Math is one of the primary tools that makes up the language of science.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: Rebel1 on Nov. 23, 2022, 7:47 a.m.

Wow, this thread has a tonne of helpful information; thanks. Here are some tools I've used to quickly extract text from images, which has made it easier to extract street names or addresses.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: Clarissa1 on Nov. 26, 2022, 6:45 p.m.

Equations and numbers come to mind when I hear the term "math." But arithmetic is more complicated than that! Arithmetic, algebra, and geometry are the three categories of mathematics. The fundamental addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations are used in arithmetic. In algebra, an equation or connection between variables must be solved. Shapes, angles, and lines all play a role in geometry. Math is more than simply math. It is a mode of thought. It is a technique for solving issues. One of the key components of the language of science is math.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: LZ33 on Nov. 29, 2022, 8:20 a.m.

@ jackliensam @ DawgsFan81 @ M.Baker @ Rebel1 @ Clarissa1

Thanks for your information. I never knew that about math.  "Arithmetic, algebra, and geometry are the three categories of mathematics." and "The fundamental addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations are used in arithmetic."

Farmers use modern equipment to harvest crops, unless they are managing an Amish farm. To which horses are used in place of modern equipment since horses don't run on gas or diesel, most horses run off of grass with water and are cheaper to maintain.  Shoes are not as expensive as tires for example.  Horses come in a verity of colors and sizes. Clydesdales is a type of horse that are large in size of most horses. Check out this link.           

It's not the destination, it's the journey to discover the unforgettable geocache.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: Clarissa1 on Dec. 5, 2022, 6:45 a.m.

Wow, there is a tonne of useful information in this discussion; thanks. I've used the following tools to quickly extract text from photos, making it simpler to extract street names or locations.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: MattieFoley on Jan. 29, 2023, 1:28 a.m.

It sounds like you've provided a wealth of resources for those interested in learning about puzzle solving techniques and ciphers & codes. These links should be very helpful for anyone just getting started with solving puzzle caches. Thanks for sharing this information!

Great resources for puzzle solving and cipher decoding! Two links that I would recommend are:

  1. http://parmstro.weebly.com/ which is a complete site dedicated to solving puzzle caches with sections on solving puzzles, blank caches, URLs, a sample workflow, hints for all of parmstro's caches and some sample worked solutions to parmstro's caches. It also contains links to useful sites.
  2. http://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/which is a great site that includes all geocaching tools in one box and is comprehensive, including ciphers and codes, as well as other tools like the incomplete coordinates tool.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: sudoku on Feb. 18, 2023, 8:46 a.m.

also, this sudoku solver tool is the best solver tool for any puzzle sudoku you want to solve.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: teniie on March 17, 2023, 12:53 p.m.

It seems like you've offered a tonne of materials for anyone who want to learn how to solve puzzles and decipher cyphers and codes. Anybody just getting started with solving puzzle caches might find these sites to be very useful. I appreciate you giving this knowledge.

Re: Puzzle/Mystery Cache Helpful links  

  By: childlearning on Sept. 1, 2023, 7:49 a.m.

"Great article! I found the information you provided to be incredibly insightful and well-researched. Your writing style is engaging and made it easy for me to stay focused throughout. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this topic!"

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